The SingleBrSingle relation. The SingleBrSingle is a specialisation of the PartOf relation and contributes as such to the definition of the partonomic hierarchy of TAH.The SingleBrSingle relation is a link between a father material singular entity and a child material singular entity, both being blood or lymphatic vessels. Its target is the definition of a branch of a vessel as a partonomic child of this vessel.To demonstrate this partonomic link, it is necessary to associate to each vessel a dendronomic tree of which it is the trunc. In this way, any branch of the tree being a part of the tree, the branch is considered by extension to be a part of the trunc.Example: [arteria submentalis] -> (SingleBrSingle) -> [arteria facialis].Name: SingleBrSingleAcronym: SBSConceptual schema: [Child entity A] -> (SingleBrSingle) -> [Father entity B]Child entity A: material singular unpairedFather entity B: material singular unpaired